Setting up webhooks for project notifications
Learn how to configure webhooks to ensure timely and efficient delivery of project-related notifications to participants.
Webhooks are an ideal solution for customizing notification delivery, whether you prefer email notifications adhering to your design guidelines or utilizing iFrame integration without disclosing personal data to our platform. By leveraging webhook integration, you can maintain control over personal information within your system while receiving timely notifications about project events. Furthermore, with webhook functionality, you can manage preferred notification methods from your system based on user preferences and system capabilities.

Follow our step-by-step instructions to effortlessly set up webhooks and enhance communication throughout your project lifecycle.
Webhook configuration

When communication webhook is activated, Engage will perform a POST request to the partner's endpoint. The posted data corresponds to the following schema:
    "participant_id": "str",
    "activity_slug": "str",
    "project_slug": "str",
    "notification_type": "str",
    "activity_name_translations": dict,
    "project_name_translations": dict,
    "message_text": "str",
The participant_id is the ID initially provided by the Partner during authentication.
The activity_slug and project_slug are useful if you need to construct a link to the activity in Engage.

The notification_type can be one of the following:
1. activity_available: Indicates when a new scheduled or delayed activity becomes available to the Participant..
2. on_behalf: Signals when an administrator registers a new activity on behalf of the Participant..

Additionally, there's the message_text key, which includes a straightforward example message, such as "A new activity is available in your timeline." Its content may vary, serving solely as a hint regarding the expected message for the Participant. The notification's nature is solely determined by the notification_type. You're free to tailor notification messages according to your organization's visual identity guidelines.
    "default": "Side effects questionnaire",
    "lv": "Blakusparādību anketa"
The project_name_translations contains an object with translations.
    "default": "Our questionnaires",
    "lv": "Mūsu anketas"
Our team is ready to provide you assistance in any of the steps and would gladly guide you through the process.

Do not hesitate to contact us via support@longenesis.com if you have any questions or any help is required.
Mēs izmantojam sīkdatnes, lai nodrošinātu un uzlabotu Longenesis tīmekļa lapas funkcionalitāti, kā arī optimizētu jūsu pieredzi šajā lapā.
Lūdzu, iepazīstieties ar mūsu Privātuma politiku, lai iegūtu plašāku informāciju par to, kā mēs izmantojam informāciju par mūsu tīmekļa lapas lietošanu. Turpinot lietot šo tīmekļa lapu, jūs piekrītat mūsu Privātuma politikai.